DDmeow » Animations » What Happens When “The ‘Good Luck’ Snack That Makes Taiwan’s Technology Behave” Got Eaten

What Happens When “The ‘Good Luck’ Snack That Makes Taiwan’s Technology Behave” Got Eaten

by | 2021-04-16 | Animations

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This is a weird animation showing why you should anchor tall furniture to the wall. In Taiwan, it is said that this green pack of crisps can make machines behave.
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What Happens When “The ‘Good Luck’ Snack That Makes Taiwan’s Technology Behave” Got Eaten

This is a weird animation showing why you should anchor tall furniture to the wall.

In Taiwan, it is said that this green pack of crisps can make machines behave. Therefore it’s not uncommon to find this snack at supermarkets’ cashiers, hospital reception computers, server rooms, and even inside ATM machines. (in case of an apocalypse, you can break into ATM machines not for money but for food). It is also said that if the tribute snack is eaten, the machine it is “worshipping” will misbehave.

In this animation, this green pack of snack got eaten by DDmeow and induced a series of unfortunate events. Somehow, in the end, DDmeow got hit by a falling wardrobe, thus, reminding us to properly anchor tall furniture to the wall.

Related Information:

The ‘good luck’ snack that makes Taiwan’s technology behave

Picture of this snack in a server room

Picture of this snack in an ATM machine

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