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How to beat Nightmare King Grimm Step by Step (hitless) – Hollow Knight

by | 2021-06-13 | Gaming Blog, How-To

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When I first fought the Nightmare King Grimm, I died in, like, 15 sec? “Let’s just banish him”, I thought to myself. A month later, I gave it another try. And that try led to another. His attack pattern started to become clear. And then … 8 hours were gone. I beat him hitless!

Here is my step-by-step on how to counter his moves.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless

[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

When Nightmare King Grimm dashes towards you, you dash through him (only if you have acquired shade cloak so that you’re invincible when you dash). Remember, this skill has a cooldown time of 1.5 seconds, so only use your dash when necessary. If you have Sharp Shadow charm on, your dash will damage him too.

He will spit flames when he upper-cuts the ceiling. Carefully dodge them.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 1

[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

Alternatively, you can dash backwards to avoid his dash attack. This way is safer, but you can’t do this if you are already at the end of the stage. I later found out you can parry his attack, too, if you time it right. But I have already beaten him, so maybe I will try it in another run or in the pantheon later.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 2

[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

When Nightmare King Grimm appears above looking like an ice cream cone, dash towards him, jump, and hit downwards, bounce on him and hit another time downwards.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 3

[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

When he opens his coat, releasing his dragons, jump up a little to dodge the second dragon (beware, not too high, or you will bump into the first dragon), dash towards him and slash him before bumping into him. Then, slash him two more times while falling onto the ground. (You may not be able to slash so many times if you don’t have the Quick Slash charm on.)

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 4

[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

Constantly look out for his tentacles (not sure what those are) from the ground and quickly position yourself to avoid being hit before they come out.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 5

[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

Bash his little shadows using Howling Wraiths twice. I don’t know if it’s actually needed to hit him in this state. But, as I don’t do healing, I might as well use the souls I gathered.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 6

Nightmare King Grimm inflating like a fugu [In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

When he inflates like fugu, dash to the side immediately. Fire balls from his body will travel horizontally towards you. Carefully control your jumping height to sneak through the openings. Don’t just use your jump button. Use your movement stick (or key) to move left or right too.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 7

[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

When Nightmare King Grimm’s in the air, look out for flames on the ground, walk towards him to avoid them. As you approach him, jump and slash him upwards twice (once if you don’t have Quick Slash charm on). Then jump again to hit him the third time.

How to beat the Nightmare King Hitless 8

Nightmare King Grimm exploding [ In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]

At some point, you’ll win. Nightmare King Grimm will explode.

So the main tips for beating Nightmare King Grimm hitless are staying calm but vigilant, remembering all his moves, hitting him as many times as you can during each opening, and trying many times!

My charm set: Overcharmed with charms that increase attack speed, attack power and attack range.

My charm set for beating Nightmare King hitless
[In-game screen capture from Hollow Knight]


Full hitless gameplay:



  1. Ben P.

    Slowly walk towards him if he uses dash-uppercut

  2. GamezCatt

    Tip: if this guy’s tactic for the dash attack is too hard for you, just jump and use Desolate Dive/Descending Dark


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